Posts with the category “missions-walk”

International Conference on Missions 2022
by Ryan Shoemaker on November 18th, 2022
Just back from the International Conference on Missions held in Columbus, Ohio, this year.  I find it totally awe inspiring as I walk among hundreds of missions gathered.  Everything from saving girls from human trafficking, feeding the hungry, teaching others how to make a living, taking care of orphans, spreading the gospel in remote places, etc.  It’s God’s work.  Its what we as Christians shou...  Read More
Help Orphans In Ukraine
by Ryan Shoemaker on October 21st, 2022
 Can you help?   Master Provisions (a SHCC sponsored mission) has made a request.  They have asked individuals to help orphans in Ukraine.  Once after looking around at my nice home and surroundings and wondering if I did enough to help others less fortunate, my Uncle Ron told me:“Don’t beat yourself up about what you have, just give when God gives you the opportunity.”  I try to live by that.  I ...  Read More
Missions--God In Motion
by Ryan Shoemaker on October 14th, 2022
Missions – As far as faith goes, it’s where the rubber meets the road, where faith takes flight, where you can get your hands dirty in service to others.  My husband and I are getting ready to go to the International Conference on Missions (  This year, it is in Columbus, OH, from Nov 3rd – Nov 5th.  There we will be able to visit with missionaries supported by Southern Heights Christ...  Read More
Here's Your Sign
by Ryan Shoemaker on July 22nd, 2022
Type your new text here. I went to volunteer at Crosslines a couple years ago but was not able to continue due to responsibilities that my husband, Rick, and I had to care for our mother’s.  The circumstances have changed and I began to think about volunteering again.  As mission’s liaison, I see all the newsletters for all the mission supported by Southern Heights.  I opened the latest one from C...  Read More
Mission Update-His Eyes in Honduras
by Ryan Shoemaker on July 15th, 2022
Want some good news for a change?  You can always find good news of good works in missions.  Take for example, the work of the Milk Project, part the on-going work of His Eyes, a SHCC sponsored mission. We just received our annual update by email giving us information on the two children we sponsor through this program. I cannot help but want to share what a blessing this sponsorship has been to u...  Read More
Mission Update June 2022
by Ryan Shoemaker on June 10th, 2022
It’s been a while since my “Missions Walk,” articles about missions supported by Southern Heights.  However, mission work has continued and as in the case of “My Home,” to say it has intensified, is an understatement.  “My Home” is an orphan care program that partners with Master Provisions, a SHCC supported mission. In this article, I take all my information from a recent email update forwarded b...  Read More
Missions Walk- Crosslines
by Ryan Shoemaker on December 21st, 2021
Missions Walk – CrosslinesOur last milestone in our missions walk, is a local mission here in Lebanon that Southern Heights supports called “Crosslines Ministry.”  Crosslines personnel help feed families and help families in crisis with various needs.  They work closely with agencies in Laclede county such as MOCA, Cope House, Red Cross, New Life House, Pathways, and often coordinate with low inco...  Read More
Missions Walk - Show Me Christian Youth Home
by Tonya Soum on August 28th, 2021
Walking through life can be all up-hill with no summit in site if you do not have a supportive family.  Families in crisis experience difficulties, problems that cannot be overcome.  This can leave children without a stable home or for some, a home of any kind.  The staff at Show Me is compelled by Christ to rescue and restore young lives.  This Christ centered mission places children with a famil...  Read More
Missions Walk July 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on June 29th, 2021
Many walk-through life without any missteps, but there are also those whose lives do not fall neatly into place.  Their path is not so smooth or easy.  An unplanned pregnancy can seem for that individual that they have stepped off a cliff.  And many may feel there will be no one around to help with the wounds of being deserted/not wanted, of going through a pregnancy alone, not to mention raising ...  Read More
Missions Walk June 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on May 26th, 2021
Our “walk” through life has milestones and one of them is often college.  Southern Heights supports two Christian Colleges:  Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, MO, and Ozark Christian College, Joplin, MO.  We are indebted to both for giving us, Jeff (our pastor) who graduated from Ozark and Miranda (our new Children's Minister) who graduated from Central.  Through Southern Heights' g...  Read More
Missions Walk May 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on April 29th, 2021
Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia that borders Cambodia and is located near Vietnam. Southern Heights Christian Church (SHCC) began supporting the late David Filbeck many years ago with his missionary work in Thailand.  This mission continues under the leadership of his family and associates and the Lanna Theological Center is an outgrowth of this mission established in 2003 for church leade...  Read More
Missions Walk April 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on March 31st, 2021
I love a walk/hike in the woods. It's freeing!  Free of traffic, noise, and free of distractions only the solitude of nature.  Gasconade Christian Service camp is nestled in the woods, with all this and an added plus of sharing this get-away experience with friends (old and new).  “Church camp” as some call it, is friends, campfires, swimming, games, growing in your faith and so much more.  For so...  Read More
Missions Walk March 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on March 3rd, 2021
Scott Springer Family Ministry We come in from a cold walk in the snow and my thoughts turn to warmer days like my first mission trip to Juarez, Mexico.  That was with Scott Springer in 2002.  Scott lead 2 mission trips with SHCC members going to Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, TX.  The visual difference across the border from El Paso to Juarez was stark.  Scott was working to...  Read More
Missions Walk February 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on February 3rd, 2021
MASTER Provisions was officially established in June 1994 and is headquartered in Florence, KY.  SHCC has “walked” with and supported MASTER Provisions since 2001.  It started (through chance) when the President and Founder Roger Babik needed a place to stay on a trip to Oklahoma.  After making a call to a church halfway to their destination they ended up staying with the late Bill Adams and Franc...  Read More
Missions Walk January 2021
by Marah Leinbaugh on January 6th, 2021
Last month we learned about His Eyes in Honduras, this month if we had the space in this article, Good New Productions could take us around the world through their global network.  Good News Productions creates media to share Jesus, empower Jesus followers and multiply disciples across the globe.  This mission that SHCC helps to support is based in Joplin, MO, and has been in operation for 45 year...  Read More
Missions Walk December 2020
by Marah Leinbaugh on December 1st, 2020
Let's take a walk south of the border, in Honduras!  One of the foreign missions supported by SHCC is “His Eyes.”  Missionaries Felipe and Valerie Colby operate out of Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras.  They oversee a mission where Valerie, an Optometrist, provides optometry services while Felipe oversees a myriad of other areas.  Missions such as this provide a holistic approach.  They p...  Read More
Missions Walk 10.23.20
by Marah Leinbaugh on October 21st, 2020
It's new!  A new article that will walk you through missions supported by SHCC.  Learn about how SHCC reaches out to others beyond our walls in a variety of missions.  Each month, we will highlight a specific SHCC mission.   So walk with us as we take a closer look at our mission partners.To give you an overall summary of the missions SHCC supports:  We support local missions that benefit people i...  Read More