Missions Walk- Crosslines

Missions Walk – Crosslines
Our last milestone in our missions walk, is a local mission here in Lebanon that Southern Heights supports called “Crosslines Ministry.” Crosslines personnel help feed families and help families in crisis with various needs. They work closely with agencies in Laclede county such as MOCA, Cope House, Red Cross, New Life House, Pathways, and often coordinate with low income housing complexes. Crosslines personnel also coordinate to provide services through local organizations such as Head Start, the Extension Office and the Veterans Office in Lebanon. They coordinate and obtain food through the USDA, Ozark Food Harvest, Aldi and Walmart. They have also been able to provide meat through the Share the Harvest Program and Share the Fair Program (beef, lamb and pork). There are several churches in Lebanon that support Crosslines. Churches in the area regularly have requests for food assistance. Pooling resources to support Crosslines personnel who constantly work to obtain food at the lowest cost and through the above mentioned programs can much more effectively help more individuals with more food than church pantries. Further, your donations can make a difference in Crosslines ability to meet the great need in this county. Crosslines greatly appreciates cash donations and donations of clothes, household items, and food. Crosslines personnel have expressed how much they greatly appreciate individuals who volunteer their time and energy to help with the needs of the day-to-day operations. Crosslines is located at 141 Lawson Ave, Lebanon. Call them about volunteering or donating at 417-588-3559. They are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am – 3 pm. This brings us to the end of our missions walk. Like when I end a hike, having enjoyed it so much, I immediately look for an opportunity to hike again. Your missions walk doesn't have to end here. There are many opportunities to get involved with missions. Opportunities throughout the year as announced through our church. We have in the past taken mission trips to visit supported missions. Don't have time for a mission trip, sponsor a child for as little as $38 a month and receive their heart warming letters written personally for you. This and so much more. Have questions? I keep up with missions!
Stop me on Sunday, call or email me. I love to talk missions! My contact info: Rexanne Willis, 417- 718-9185, rwillisx2@gmail.com
Thanks for walking with me on this missions walk. Thanks for your support of all the mission efforts that this church undertakes. Missions don't exist without support from the local church and individuals such as yourself. Can't do a lot? We can all do our part and together small efforts make a big impact! To God be the glory! Rexanne
Our last milestone in our missions walk, is a local mission here in Lebanon that Southern Heights supports called “Crosslines Ministry.” Crosslines personnel help feed families and help families in crisis with various needs. They work closely with agencies in Laclede county such as MOCA, Cope House, Red Cross, New Life House, Pathways, and often coordinate with low income housing complexes. Crosslines personnel also coordinate to provide services through local organizations such as Head Start, the Extension Office and the Veterans Office in Lebanon. They coordinate and obtain food through the USDA, Ozark Food Harvest, Aldi and Walmart. They have also been able to provide meat through the Share the Harvest Program and Share the Fair Program (beef, lamb and pork). There are several churches in Lebanon that support Crosslines. Churches in the area regularly have requests for food assistance. Pooling resources to support Crosslines personnel who constantly work to obtain food at the lowest cost and through the above mentioned programs can much more effectively help more individuals with more food than church pantries. Further, your donations can make a difference in Crosslines ability to meet the great need in this county. Crosslines greatly appreciates cash donations and donations of clothes, household items, and food. Crosslines personnel have expressed how much they greatly appreciate individuals who volunteer their time and energy to help with the needs of the day-to-day operations. Crosslines is located at 141 Lawson Ave, Lebanon. Call them about volunteering or donating at 417-588-3559. They are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am – 3 pm. This brings us to the end of our missions walk. Like when I end a hike, having enjoyed it so much, I immediately look for an opportunity to hike again. Your missions walk doesn't have to end here. There are many opportunities to get involved with missions. Opportunities throughout the year as announced through our church. We have in the past taken mission trips to visit supported missions. Don't have time for a mission trip, sponsor a child for as little as $38 a month and receive their heart warming letters written personally for you. This and so much more. Have questions? I keep up with missions!
Stop me on Sunday, call or email me. I love to talk missions! My contact info: Rexanne Willis, 417- 718-9185, rwillisx2@gmail.com
Thanks for walking with me on this missions walk. Thanks for your support of all the mission efforts that this church undertakes. Missions don't exist without support from the local church and individuals such as yourself. Can't do a lot? We can all do our part and together small efforts make a big impact! To God be the glory! Rexanne