International Conference on Missions 2022

Just back from the International Conference on Missions held in Columbus, Ohio, this year.  I find it totally awe inspiring as I walk among hundreds of missions gathered.  Everything from saving girls from human trafficking, feeding the hungry, teaching others how to make a living, taking care of orphans, spreading the gospel in remote places, etc.  It’s God’s work.  Its what we as Christians should be concerned about.  I asked myself, am I doing enough to live for God…or am I too concerned about me. 
I won’t get too specific about each mission, just too much for one article, but in the same nature of the conference I just want to promote missions in general.  In the first picture collage, you can see the missions supported by SHCC (starting in the left-hand corner and moving clockwise) Show-me Christian Youth Home, Good News Productions, Ozark Christian College, Master Provisions, Central Christian College, and His Eyes.  Show-Me talks with an attendee at the conference about their work providing a Christian home to youth in need.  Next, a representative from Good News Productions, International, (GNPI)  demonstrates how their solar kits show videos (yellow case) to present the Gospel in areas with no electricity.  Ozark and Central Christian Colleges talk with attendees about their campuses and what they offer to educate future leaders of the church.  Middle right, Rick and I (Rexanne) stand with Roger Babik of Master Provisions, and you need a book to tell all the good work he does helping orphans, feeding the hungry, etc.  Lastly in the bottom corner, Felipe and Valerie Colby of His Eyes stand at their booth.  They were selling coffee and His Eyes coffee mugs as they talk about their coffee plantation and how it helps people in Honduras as well as talking with attendees about the Milk Project, their medical clinic and yes, I could go on…
Rick and I love missions so much we are involved even with missions outside ones supported by SHCC.  We got to connect with Open Door Libraries, the mission we supported last year by keeping it operating in Prague for 6 weeks while the missionaries came to this conference to gather support for expansion of the library.  We also connected with those from Diamond Willow.  We took a team from Southern Heights there in 2016 to work with a youth camp.  Further, we connected with Dave Mayer who led the team from SHCC who went to the Ukraine and Kosovo in 2007.  He is now with Mountain Missions school.  All pictured in the second collage. 
The student side of ICOM called SICOM (Student International Conference on Missions) pictured in the second collage work on two different projects.  In one they learned how to build sections of a house that would be put together on a site in Illinois for Habit for Humanity.  The other project involved packaging dried food in boxes for shipment to Central America and/or Ukraine.  What meaningful projects/actual work for youth involvement.  Also pictured, Shodankeh Johnson, a very inspiring speaker from Sierra Leone, Africa.  He said he was there and had accomplished all he was doing for the Lord because a missionary talked to his Great Grandfather.  Gives me goosebumps just thinking about that.  He led workshops and Main Sessions.  I have never been to a main session that was all prayer with audience participation, but I’ll just say it was moving.   I’m inspired all over writing this article.  Sorry, it’s a little bit long, but that’s as short as I could make it, the conference was just that good.
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