Christians . . . Good Guys or Bad Guys?

There are many critics of Christianity. How it has reached this critical point so quickly in the US seems a mystery, but it has been a gradual move over my lifetime. We’ve gone from most Americans calling themselves “Christian” and many going to church regularly, at least belonging to a church, to the current circumstances where there is still a dedicated minority involved with Christian things, but many want nothing to do with church and on the east and west coasts Christians are considered the enemy by many people. Talking to a lady who lived in New York she said you must even be careful what you say in public, if a Christian, because depending on who overhears, you may be targeted. I asked if it was New York City, and she said it was out-state New York, as well.

What do these critics see that makes them think Christians are the enemy? Well, they accuse us of horrible times in history. Such as during the Crusades. They see the many cruel battles fought between Catholics and Protestants in Europe and wonder why one group of Christians would fight another. They see the support for slavery in this country by many Christians in the south, and the discrimination that continues to occur due to skin color. They don’t like that Christians take a stand against a woman’s right to have an abortion. They don’t like that Christians take a stand against homosexuality or the rights of other LGBTQ groups. They think we are anti-science since we don’t accept the theory of evolution. At least those are a few of the hot topics.

What do we say to all that? Are there Christians who have done horrible things? First, we must realize that not all Christians are mature Christians. The growth process for a new Christian is just that, a process, as the believer learns from the Bible, develops the characteristics of Jesus, gains insights and grows in their faith and walk. So, some immature Christians can say or do immature things. But that should be minimal if they are truly seeking God’s way sincerely. (Some mature Christians will make mistakes also; we still fight against the temptations of sin.) Secondly, there are many who wear the name “Christian” but are not. This is true of several things mentioned above, like the Crusades and the Catholic and Protestant battles. Rulers in that age wanted the blessing of the church, so they called themselves Christian while lacking true faith or obedience to the Christian way. The same two things could be said about slavery, either false Christians or immature Christians took such a stand. Living in the world of free-will complicates the landscape when we view such things.

The other things mentioned by the critics must be looked at more thoroughly. Christians are not against women in tough circumstances, such as an unwanted pregnancy, we love them and want to help them. It’s just that we love the innocent baby in the womb also. We believe abortion is not the answer, there are other alternatives besides killing the baby. Similarly, the true Christian loves the person who has homosexual tendencies, or who struggles with other sexual profiles. I have several friends who live and practice this lifestyle, I care about them very much. Buy I also care about the standards God has put in place for marriage between a man and woman, and I won’t give that up just to be liked by these friends. I love them, but the teaching of Jesus and his apostles are my guide, not the culture I live in. Why do they have these tendencies if not put there by God, some ask? It’s another impact of the sinful world we live in. We all have certain harmful tendencies we must battle. Finally, there are many scientists who believe evolution is a failed theory, that evidence points to a creator, not to mysterious mutations resulting in life. I hold to the view that God created things just as the Bible says.

Meanwhile, good, sincere, faithful Christians are responsible for many good things in this world. The start of hospitals, schools and universities, many scientific discoveries, developing the arts, music. We have made the world better through teaching the characteristics of Jesus, practicing the golden rule, teaching not to lie, not to give false testimony, helping the poor, the widows, and orphans, to go the extra mile, etc., etc. Are Christians the good guys or the bad guys? Mostly good, but we have our failings, to be sure. That’s why the focus needs to be on Jesus, not on us. He defines Christianity! And the forgiveness he provides is needed because of the struggles we all face as sinful people in need of a Savior. Look to him and join the process of following. He is the good guy!

Cross Point: “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith…who endured the cross and set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him…so you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Heb. 12:2 3).

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